My Story

Yes, this was my inspiration… my first beautiful gold letter opener that I created to make me feel professional while I tackled my daily office routines. Little did I realize how empowering I would feel using this letter opener… often times finding myself being mesmerized by its beauty.

So many of us are being encouraged to really look inward for healing, love and self-care. While self-care comes in many forms, many have shaped their personal care into verbal and mental expression, journaling, letter writing, note taking, and brainstorming our thoughts. What a better way to do this - finding a comfortable space to write, having beautiful writing instruments to stimulate our hands - pens… paper… a beautiful journal or notebook - things that also keeps us excited! All of this inspirational excitement assists with sustaining our levels of balance, of calm, granting emotional release, stability or just sharing love and encouragement to send and share with others.

Therefore my sprouted venture - creating writing instruments to live by.

This is my journey… thank you for sharing with me!